Why is the ‘Red tent’ such a phenomenon?
Every cycling woman knows the deep yearning for quietude during her
Flow time. Every ounce of our body and soul calls for rest, while
our culture calls us to keep going, no matter what.
The ‘Red Tent,’ ‘Moon Hut,’ or ‘Moon Lodge,’
as they were known in indigenous cultures around the world,
was a place of respite for women of old.
We recognize that having a place to go to
when we flow, monthly, will make our lives different in profound ways,
as well as change the lives of those around us, and ultimately the world!
Does your Soul remember
the circles of Maidens, Mothers, Grandmothers, and Ancestors?
This is a place where women are allowed to Be rather than continually Do…
The time is Now, and the Red Tent Consciousness
is spreading like sunrise all over the world!
Be part of the New Paradigm -
It’s about You, it’s about Us,
It’s about Time!
Join US!
Together We Can Change The World!