Creative Sacred Living Magazine May 2014 | Page 50

The 3rd Chakra – the Solar Plexus Chakra and the element of Fire. The Solar Plexus Chakra is located just below the sternum down to the naval, and is a fiery solar chakra that brings us light, warmth, energy, and power. We grow in strength, we feel our power rising, descending from our visions, releasing joyously from our hearts and now embrace the growing current of consciousness that descends from the upper chakras. As we activate our power, we begin to direct our actions towards our Higher Purpose. The Solar Plexus Chakra is also related to self-esteem, which brings strength to our will. After balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra, we can then move more completely into the delightful experience of love, the 4th Chakra. < Click Chakra to hear a sample Next is the 4th Chakra, the Heart Chakra, and the element of Air. This is the central point of the Chakra system. From the realms of the body and manifestation, we move to the softer touch of Spirit. We transcend our ego, and grow toward something greater, deeper, stronger. In the 4th Chakra, love radiates outwards, bringing love and compassion to whatever comes into our field. It is a divine presence of connection, and love from the heart is enduring, eternal, and constant. < Click Chakra to hear a sample The 5th Chakra – the Throat Chakra, and the element of Sound. This Chakra is the center related to communication through sound, rhythm, vibration, self-expression, and creativity. It is the center of dynamic creativity, of synthesizing old ideas into something new. It includes listening, speaking, writing, chanting, any of the arts, especially those related to sound and language and is a way of extending ourselves beyond our ordinary limitations. < Click Chakra to hear a sample