Creative Sacred Living Magazine May 2014 | Page 32
The Crone’s View
I come to you humbled by love and creativity. My Life, at this time, is filled with
great peace and satisfaction. I sit here listening to the birds outside my window,
watching all the activity in the feeders and think to myself, ‘how can this be’ ?
My life has reached a place of great satisfaction; a safe place where I trust in the
Divine Voice of Love and hear my Truth.
When I am living with the intention of having a fulfilled life, it is so. Through the
process of living I have learnt that bringing ritual and practice into my daily life helps
keep me grounded and aware. Ritual can be as simple as lighting a candle and
listening to my breath, or creating an altar and drumming to soothe my soul.
Music and Art; blessings of the Divine Muse.
The creation of art in any form: visual, sensual, poetry, the written word, dance, or
music is the basis for LOVE, no matter what emotion may be being expressed, love
will shine through. Creation is love in my heART and I need it like I need to breathe to
live. In both I must remain conscious, if I forget to breathe my life ends and if I forget
to create my life is like death. Without colour and movement my heart and soul
become stagnant .