as life’s complementing units. Dry leaves of plants and finally the plants themselves become food for those tiny microbes with the help of which they themselves got nourished.
Life’s great cycle just does not end here. New plants are born and again that self propelled sequence sets rolling. Many types of microbes etc present in soil become co partners in this cycle. The role of earthworms in increasing soil fertility manifold is well known. These earthworms create certain living principles of soil devoured by bacteria. One earthworm in a time span of 6 months by readying 20 pounds of nutritious carbonic materials adds it to soil. Lest their species do not get destroyed then in 10 years they can increase the surface of soil by 1 inch which is known to give a high measure of crop harvest. If their help is not attained it takes nature 500 years to increase soil height by 1 inch. Earthworms also play a stupendous role in stopping soil from rotting and rendering secure production capacity for a very long time span. White ants, ants etc residing permanently in soil akin to earthworms, helps a lot in increasing soil fertility and its dampness.
When materials rot foul stench gets emitted. Its obstruction is done by nature. So many plants and creatures are such that ceaselessly akin to sweepers and toilet cleaners carry out the process of purification. Rotting materials are food for resurrected plants. It is resurrected plants that shoulder the responsibility of decomposing complex carbonic elements of dead bodies of plants and other creatures. After decomposition they release nitrogen, carbon, phosphorous, potassium etc which on uniting with the soil renders it richly fertile. Thus they render the cycle of nitrogen, carbon, phosphorous, potassium etc present in nature well balanced. In this arrangement of purification creatures like vultures, eagles, dogs, crows etc too contribute. These creatures eat up stool urine dead bodies microbes and rotting carbonic matter stop pollution from spreading afar in nature.
Many creatures are such that in an indirect manner not only for mankind but for the entire situation system are very useful in rendering them well balanced. Yet man looking upon them as useless destroys and kills them. Lion is a carnivore that eats many jungle creatures like deer, rabbits etc and thus controls excessive population increase of the latter. Due to the lion’s flesh eating and murderer like cruel nature it shall be a mistake on our part to destroy them. This is because a time may come when herbivore creatures shall destroy all types of subspecies of the plant kingdom and thus very harmful changes can set in nature. Thus it is very important that we protect these carnivore creatures even if they are cruelly violent. Peacocks and other varied types of sparrows eating butterflies etc eat up various types of germs, worms etc. Lest these are destroyed so many problems may crop up like plants being attacked by various diseases etc.
Cutting up jungles blooming with trees, plants etc too showcase terrible results. Roots of trees go deep below the ground and help thus in binding particles of soil strongly to each other. Thus land does not get cut up. From roots various types of carbonic materials and enzymes come out that by breaking apart huge rocks convert them to soil. Further various subtle creaturesArticle Search, bacteria etc found in soil are given shelter by it. Birds and many other creatures reside on trees. From the surface of plants via breathing water gets secreted and thus the environment gets filled with dampness and in turn good rainfall is noted. Lest forests are not given protection then the entire ecological cycle on changing creates dire situations for human life.
In the ecological cycle every creature of nature whether small-big are seen to contribute. Nature after making efforts spanning millions of years has rendered this cycle well managed. The appearance of life on earth is but the result of this tireless effort by nature. It shall be much better that lest man becomes a cooperative unit of this cosmic institution of Mother Nature and totally stops tampering with it. Only then can we humans attain benefits from nature for a very long time span to come.
Shriram Sharma Acharya founder of the International Gayatri Family was a great Yogi seer and incarnation of God who wrote volumes of scientific literature mainly on spiritual subjects for world welfare and peace. For more scientific e-books visit