Creative Junction Magazine November 2017 | Page 2

ADVERTISEMENT NEW FACES TO SHAKE UP LOCAL REAL ESTATE INDUSTRY Jono Reeves creates a buzz whatever he does, and selling houses is no exception. He has paired up with his wife Kim to create the ideal real estate team. The duo aim to ‘Make It Happen’ for Whangarei. Jono is no stranger to selling. Alongside a career in sales, he has run a successful events, MC, Sports commentary and DJ business for more than 10 years. “I want to bring people together. I want to sell Whangarei to potential homeowners to help create a vibrant, fun city and to sell homes to first home buyers who are keen to climb onto the property ladder.” Whilst Jono is happiest on the road, talking and meeting new faces- Kim prefers to remain behind the scenes. “She’s very analytical and amazing at doing all the administration side of things,” says Jono. “We balance each other out perfectly.” Jono and Kim have been thinking of entering the Real Estate scene for quite some time. “The more we talked about it, the more Kim and I could see it suiting our values. We thought it would be really cool to bring in a fresh, new approach to selling houses.” Jono and his wife are now fully licensed real estate agents for Harcourts Whangarei. “I believe that when something is meant to be, the universe conspires to make it happen,” he says. The couple believe that communication and networking are essential elements to their role. “I want to be able to assure vendors that I have looked into every possible marketing opportunity for their home,” says Jono. “Word of mouth is a very powerful tool.” Kim and Jono Reeves cordially invite you to a Meet and Greet Date: Thursday 18th January Time: 4pm Place: Dickens Inn, 71 Cameron Street, Whangarei (upstairs bar) Please contact: Kim and Jono Reeves 0221295697 09 393 1000 [email protected] Licensed REAA 2008