Creative Junction Magazine August 4th | Page 40

required . But , I did follow the AIP , and after a few months approx . 80 % of my symptoms had resolved . I got my health , my body , my personality and my life back . It was revelatory and truly life-changing ( I still mostly follow the AIP today , nearly 3 years later ).
I discovered that fermented foods were a big part of my recovery and a big part of maintaining my health – when I don ’ t include them in my daily diet , my health declines . And I discovered that I really enjoyed fermentation . It combines my love for science with my love for food , and allows room for lots of creativity ! Next minute , I find I ’ m having to make enough for my family and friends . A very special friend who is a wonderful chef encouraged me to try them out at the local markets , just to see what people thought of them . They sold out . So , we were inspired to turn them into a family business .
How does it work in with family life ?
It works great with family life . Both my partner and I previously worked for long periods at sea , and would be away from “ normal ” land-life for up to 8 weeks at a time . Obviously , this doesn ’ t work well for “ normal ” family life and is very disruptive . Although we both love the ocean and miss it greatly , we love our family more , and we are delighted to have a family business that allows us to use our skills and experience to support our family on land . It means that we are both at home for our little boy , and we can be flexible to carve out time with our boy or work as needed , and we can prioritise family time together . We are very flexible and self-driven . We are using the premise that if we consistently apply positivity and hard graft to our business , we will successfully generate an income to help our family to thrive together . And , we love that we are emulating good life practices for our little boy – work well together , be focused , and have a great product that enriches people ’ s lives .
What is your top tip to keep your head above water ?
Take the time to look after yourself , and put that at the very top of your list of things to do – daily . Whatever it is that keeps you feeling well , be it enough sleep , movement , social time , creative pursuits , or a combination of the above – make sure you have the time to do these as well as