What would you say to those who
are running an rp and feel discouraged due to a lack of activity or interest?
Fantasy Guy
Questions and Answers Time: Interview with a GM
There is a lot that goes on with running an rp and more importantly
running one that is successful and fun! JDizzle383 is what one could
call an experienced and successful GM, which is why we have chosen to interview him this issue.
How long have you been writing?
JDizzle: Officially, I have been writing since I was 16 years old, but I
wrote for fun in my free time even before that about a few characters that I have several books planned for them If I ever get enough
time to write them and find a publisher.
Patience is key. It took me at least eight
months to get Mass Xover where it is today, and that was with several other RPs I
tried to start failing miserably. there are
very few -if none at all- RPs that will start
going the minute you post them. It all depends on how long you are willing to wait
and how well you have thought out the
beginning of the story since plot twists can
and will come up, what with you not being
the only writer and all.
Also, don't be afraid to take other people's
suggestions to better the stories you write.
keep an open mind and eventually you will
have an RP in which people can't wait to
see what happens next, even if they are
just the reader. ~ JDizzle383
How long have you been roleplaying?
JDizzle: I have been roleplaying for at least three years now, but that
only includes the online stories.
What made you decide to roleplay/write?
JDizzle: My Inspiration for writing came from stories I read in school
because I was known to have an above average reading level, and I
always felt that I could get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life by going into fantasy settings where I controlled the action. I
only got into roleplaying after school because books were no longer
readily available but I still had the freedom to write about the characters and situations I could dream up without being criticized for it.
Bleach, Naruto Crossover
What has come to be your favorite role? (Player or GM)
JDizzle: To be honest, I prefer GM simply because I have the freedom to take the story anywhere. That doesn't mean I don't take
suggestions from the players in my Roleplays, it simply means I like
being in control .