Creative Crafting Magazine Issue 23, June 2013 | Page 8

“… Blacksmithing is not just get it hot and hit it …”
The truth is , we have all learned a lot . I am intensely proud of the skills this course has taught me and I think the other students are too . I am aware that there is much more to it and that my paltry four items are just the tip of the iceberg , however this course has not just given me some new skills , it has provided me with a new ambition .
I want to keep doing this , I want to embrace the idea that almost any bit of scrap metal can be re-worked into something useful , I want to create using metal .
I am already planning a small hearth in my back garden , I won ’ t be spending a lot of money on it , I hope I can get it working for nearly no financial outlay , this will give me a chance to practice and hopefully improve the techniques I have been shown . Perhaps one day I will move up to a bigger hearth and may even make some money doing this ?
I can wholeheartedly recommend this course to anyone who has an interest in working with metal . If you choose this , or one of the many courses offered by the Blacksmiths Guild , you will definitely learn something that you can use , but there ’ s more to it than that . Maybe you will find a new joy in your life , maybe you will open your eyes to a craft that has played a part in the formation of our culture , because Blacksmithing is not just “ get it hot and hit it ”, it is a way of thinking . Planning , designing , accuracy , skill and experience , but above all enjoyment , are the core components that make any craft . I am determined now to make blacksmithing part of my life and in that way , this course has changed my life and maybe the lives of the other students too .
Go on , give it a try .
Barry , Steve , Sue , Anthony , John , Andrew and Chris
Article written and created by Doug Miles For Creative Crafting Magazine

“… Blacksmithing is not just get it hot and hit it …”

If you feel like having a go at this , why not visit www . blacksmitsguild . com
You will find course availability and prices with a brief guide to what each course entails .