Creative Crafting Magazine Issue 23, June 2013 | Page 26

Tina in the Garden

Hi ! I ' m Tina ,
Yes I am back in the garden and very pleased to welcome you all on this beautiful spring day . We will have our tea in the conservatory where we can see the garden and enjoy the sunshine , as the wind is a still little cold .
It is the May Bank Holiday and I don ' t believe this weather . We never get this on a Bank Holiday do we ? Spring has really arrived !
So shall see what has been appearing in ‘ The Garden ’ since your last visit .
We had the early daffodils but it was still so cold , now everything is coming out so fast the bluebells are only just going to come out before the trees have their leaves . They are also spreading all over the garden I just keep finding them everywhere , what a bonus .
The forsythia has been absolutely gorgeous and so many primroses just everywhere , the tulips also such bold colours .