Creative Crafting Magazine Issue 23, June 2013 | Page 21

Step 1 . To create a custom photo coaster , the first thing you need is a photograph cut to 2 " x 2 ". ( You can also use a piece of artwork , just re-size it to 2 " x 2 ".)
Step 2 . Cut the No Days Mosaic Adhesive to fit the coaster surface and another piece that is slightly larger than the photo . Find the center of the coaster and place the photo between the two pieces of No Days Mosaic Adhesive . Put the glass over the top of the photo and adhesive . So , now you ' ve got the coaster substrate in front of you with a layer of No Days Mosaic Adhesive film on it . On top of that , you ' ve got your photograph in the center of the coaster with a piece of No Days Mosaic Adhesive that covers it . Then , you place the clear glass on top of that . So this is what you ' ve got so far .
Step 3 . Now , you ' ll need to fill in all the empty space . Cover the coaster with the rest of the tiles , remembering to leave little gaps ( 1 / 16 " to 1 / 8 ") for the grout lines . It ' s not important that your lines are straight . In fact , it adds a bit of interest if they ' re not that straight ! Also , you don ' t need to worry that all the tiles are in the exact spot they ' re supposed to be , as you can move them into position while you ' re heating .
Step 4 . After you ' ve covered your coaster , it ' s time to heat set the tiles in place with a standard heat gun or embossing heat tool . Begin by holding the heat gun about 6 " -8 " above your coaster and turn it on low . As the tiles begin to heat , you can begin to move the heat gun closer . You don ' t want to start too close , though , or else you ' ll end up blowing the tiles off the substrate with the force of the hot air ! As the adhesive heats up , you will see it start to turn glossy and liquefy . You need to make sure to heat the tiles enough so that the adhesive underneath them also liquefies .
Step 5 . Using a pair of long tweezers or other heat proof tool , push gently on the tiles to see if they move . If the tiles skid or stick , then the adhesive under them is not fully heated . If the tiles glide as you push on them , they have heated the adhesive underneath . When the tiles are heated thoroughly , you can easily move the tiles around and position them into place . While heating , you ' ll need to press down on the clear glass in the middle of the coaster to push out any air bubbles that get trapped under the glass and on top of the photo .