The Honesty Shop , a concept in Trust
TheHonestyShop . com is a unique High Street / Online Retailer for British Crafts and Handmade Gifts . Unique , because we focus and promote a responsible retailing by donating 10 % of the profit from every purchase to a charity of customers choice . An electronic ‘ Thank you Certificate ’ is provided from a selected Charity and a Customer can either print it or request a hard copy in the post .
Housed in a classic double-decker bus is the world ' s first honesty shop in a city , where you can find a wide selection of British handmade crafts and gifts . We trust our customers to self administer their payments in Honesty Envelopes posted in our red GPO box on the bus ( there is a ' Bus Conductor ' in an office on the top deck if needed ). This gives The Honesty Shop an unusual and controversial high street presence that creates both visibility and publicity .
Our online store www . thehonestyshop . com continues to build a brand name to do with ' trust '. We only choose carefully selected quality products that are responsibly produced in the UK .
This innovative approach to honesty , trust and charity in the retail environment has been picked up by both Mary Portas and GFK the international industry analysts , both of whom have praised The Honesty Shop ' s initiative .
GFK ' s Edith Hornick concluded her article with " I think it would be wise for companies in all sectors to consider taking a leaf from The Honesty Shop ' s book in 2013 ". For a full range of gifts please visit our online shop at TheHonestyShop . com or visit The Honesty Shop Bus - Trusty at Merton Abbey Mills , Wimbledon London SW19 2RD
If you are interested in showcasing your work with The Honesty Shop please email info @ thehonestyshop . com or call + 44 ( 0 ) 207 622 2332