Creative Collective's Conglomerate Vol. 1, Chapter 3 | Page 5

nd a�� the �ther �itt�e things that �s as h�mans ha�e �een ��ag�ed with ��r s� ��ng� i �ee� that �s as ts and ideas� i �ee� ��r e�istence sh���d �e �redicated in �nderstanding the di��erent w�r�ds that the �i��s� �nderstanding s�me�ne e�se isn�t g�ing t� get ��� a ���� �nderstanding s�me�ne e�se rstand the �ariet� �� h�man �eings that e�ist a��ngside ���rse�� �n this ��anet� ��t that d�esn�t en m��e an inch �� ���r c�rnea t�wards near�� as m�ch as it d�es t� ma�e �ne h�ndred d���ars� eca�se we a�� destined t� die� and when we die� a�� these c�nstr�cts that h�manit� has made re generati�ns that c�ntin�e t� e�ist �n the ��anet� when i�m dead� n� �ne wi�� gi�e a ��c� a���t ����� gi�es a ��c� a���t me� and wh� sh���d an��ne care t� �e h�nest� i�m ��st a ���ng �� wh� is m� �i�e that m�ch m�re im��rtant that ��� sh���d care a���t it� that ��� sh���d tists as i d� ��r m� �wn� ��t s�me n���d� �id wh� c�rrent�� resides in ����in� �a�i��rnia and is �e c�rrent�� �een in his �i�e� and that�s wh� i d� this art shit ��r� i d� it ��r m� �riends wh� are t are aware �� their creati�e a�i�ities ��t are hesitant t� share them d�e t� the ��ssi�i�it� �� �ai��re� m e�en m�re s�� i d� it ��r m� �ami�� mem�ers wh� ha�e e�hi�ited creati�e tendencies and ��r m� nd wi�� g� t� the end �� the earth and �ac� t� see their dreams �ec�me ����� ��eshed ��t� the e the w�r�d is c�nsistent�� te��ing them n�� i �n�w that �ee�ing �eca�se i ha�e �e���e within m� �i�e i�ns d�e t� c�m�etiti�n and �ther t��gh reas�ns� ��t the �act �� the matter is that i am s�me�ne a�e �een ta�en and c�m��sed �� m�se�� and �ther artists� i� ��� �n�w me �ers�na���� then ��� w w�r�d and that is the m�st e�citing �acet �� h�manit�� �ec�ming e���sed t� �ther �e���e that ��� d had we n�t �een e���sed t� their w�r�s� ��� see� i�m �� the �e�ie� that h�manit� is ha�ting its �ts ��r gr�wth� we�d m�ch rather ��c�s �n the �i� rather than the �we� and that�s wac� t� me� the ��nds g��d in nat�re ��t se�d�m w�r�s �eca�se the matter in which the s�stem has �een created � ��t rather in �ace t� �ace interacti�ns� what we as h�mans d� n�w is we ana��ze a �ers�n�s ds m�netar� means is �eca�se we �n�� ���� t� he�� th�se that s�ciet� has ta�ght �s need the he��� r��gh nat�ra� h�man em�ti�ns s�ch as ha��iness� sadness� de�ressi�n� and ���i�ance� the �r���em � it is t��ica��� �re�a�ent in rea� �i�e� the st��� we ��st �n s�cia� media� and e�er�thing in �etween� �� t� read� i �n�w it wi�� �e ��r it was weird ��r me t� write and assem��e� ��t what i h��e t� rrea�ism that is �re�a�ent s� it is �� t� ��� t� in�er what is rea� and what is �a�e� and in regards t� �rther ad�� i�d �i�e t� intr�d�ce ��� t� the creati�e c���ecti�e�s c�ng��merate� ���� �� cha�ter �� the d this wh��e thing� than� ��� ��r res�ecting m� art and i h��e ��� en��� the ride ��� are a���t t� ists wh� c�ntri��ted t� this� th�se wh� in���enced me int� ma�ing this� and ��r th�se wh� ha�e
* all p����� ������� �� �a���l ���a ����p� ����� ������ *
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