appreciate talent man . it ' s har� t� c�me �� .
��n ' t �elie�e me� then chec� this . the ��ll��in� pa�es c�ntain the art �� ���e� an� it is incre�i�le st��� . ��t it ' s n�t �incre�i�le� in the tra�iti�nal sense . ��� see� it ' s �ne thin� t� l��� at the art an� ta�e it at �ace �al�e as ��reat pict�res . � ��t it ' s an�ther thin� t� �n�erstan� the talent �� the pers�n �ehin� the camera . the pers�n �ehin� the ph�ne camera .
i��e al�a�s sai� that the pe�ple �h� �se the �e�ices that are rea�il� at their �isp�sal are the m�st talente� . the reas�n �h� is �eca�se their passi�n an� interest is the �ri�in� ��rce �ehin� their art . the� aren�t �a�e� �� the �act that their �ascinati�ns ha�e �ec�me a m�netar� mean . rather� their interest �rin�s ��rth the �est c�ntent . an� t�picall�� th���h �e ten� t� ass�ciate the �est c�ntent �ith the m�st e�pensi�e material� i �in� that t� n�t �e tr�e . i ���l�n�t �n�� the �i��erence �et�een a ph�ne pict�re an� a �slr�mirr�rless pict�re �eca�se e�er�thin� l���s the same .
it�s all a���t the pers�n �ehin� the lens .
n�� the reas�n �h� i as� that ��� appreciate talent is �eca�se th���h ���e is talente� in seein� li�e thr���h his ph�ne lens� he�s als� c�n�e�e� li�e �r�m the �ther si�e �� the lens . an aspirin� act�r �h� �n�erstan�s the imp�rtance �� st�r�tellin� in all ��rms� i �eel as th���h ���e�s talents as a m�lti�talente� in�i�i��al ��n�t reall� rel� in the cra�t s� m�ch ��t the� rel� �n the c�mm�n �r��n� �et�een all these me�i�ms� st�r�tellin� .
it�s st�r�tellin� that �rin�s ���e�s art t� the ��re�r�nt �� this ma�a�ine . it�s his a�ilit� t� artic�late a st�r� �ith his �isi�n that creates a c�ncise ima�e that is ��st a tr�e mar�el . it�s his �n�erstan�in� �� the art �� st�r�tellin� that all��s him t� ta�e �n m�ltiple pr��ects �ithin m�ltiple realms an� c�n�e� each �� them e��ecti�el� .
an� this talent is �ne that �er� �e� in�i�i��als ha�e . an� i thin� that it is �ne that �e ��ten times ��erl��� �ntil an in�i�i��al has �r��n past �ne me�i�m that �e later �n sa� �e l��e . pe�ple �i�n�t appreciate ��nal� �l��er�s rappin� a�ilit� t� the ��llest �ntil he ma�e an al��m in ��e t� ��n� an� classic ��� m�sic . an� pe�ple still ��n�t appreciate the rappin� a�ilit� he p�ssesses� an� the� sa�l� ��n�t �ntil he�s l�n� past it� �r the� p�ssi�l� ��n�t e�er . an� this is a pr�minent m�lti�talente� artist that s�me pe�ple still ��n�t appreciate .
s� i� pe�ple ��n�t appreciate a pr�minent talente� �i��re� �h��s t� sa� �ther m�lti�talente� �i��res �ill �et their �air share �� appreciati�n thr���h��t the earl� ��rmati�e sta�es �� their careers�
this is �h� �e ��t t� appreciate talent s�ch as ���e�s . s� appreciate him� let him �n�� �� his talent� an� s�pp�rt the creati�e en�ea��rs that he p�rs�es . �here�er he ��es� he�s ���n� t� e�cel .
��r n��� en��� his art .
the m�lti�talent .
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