Creative Child September 2020 | Page 45

The story does not have a complicated plot, but rather a poetic one. The author is wondering where a Leaf Man went, listing all the possible places and concluding his search by saying that you, the reader, may find your own Leaf Man to take home. A perfect way to encourage children to go outside and look for leaves! Which is what we did. We took a walk around our neighbourhood, collecting leaves from the ground. Maple, oak, a different kind of maple, birch, a decorative bush of unknown name... We picked up some acorns and pine cones at the same time. When we returned home, we set to making our own Leaf Man. Looking at the book, we loosely based our leaf man on the design presented on the cover. It is great for getting in the mood for leaf art, and the book acts as a good prompt for reluctant artists. Afterwards, we felt confident creating on our own, and you certainly wouldn’t need the book in order to enjoy creating autumn mosaics. 44