Creative Child September 2020 | Page 27

When the pandemic is over and life gets back to something resembling normalcy, our children will have emerged with these five positive and important lessons if we take time now to cultivate positivity. Hope and positivity in the face of a tough situation. This is one of the most important lessons there is in life, and it’s up to parents to push aside our fears and anxiety and model hope and positivity now. We all face difficult times in life, and knowing how to navigate those times while holding onto hope is what keeps us afloat. There is much we can do to keep hope alive in ourselves, such as cultivating optimism, practicing gratitude, doing random acts of kindness, taking time for selfcare, and finding silver linings. To teach this lesson to your child, practice these skills together each day. Keep a gratitude journal, do acts of kindness together, and take time to get outside into nature or do something fun. Keep your words and tone positive and hopeful so that the vibe of your home remains nurturing to all. It’s okay not to know the outcome. We have no idea when this pandemic will end or when we’ll be able to gather again for a concert with friends. And that’s okay, because not knowing the outcome forces us to find joy and happiness in the moment. None of us can truly ever know what tomorrow will bring, and so it’s good to learn to take life one day at a time and to find the good where you are each day. Teach this important lesson by cultivating mindfulness so that your child will see you living in the present moment and enjoying it. Talk with them about the importance of taking each day as it comes because all that truly matters is the moment we are in.