Creative Child September 2020 | Page 15

Parents understand that staying home is the best way to keep our families safe and healthy even if it means missing out on some things we were looking forward to. While life has changed and circumstances aren’t what we would choose, there are still many positive things that can come out of being quarantined. Family Bonding Time Our family is busy and there are days where my husband and I say a passing hello as we shuttle kids to and from activities while trying to feed them dinner. Canceling sports and activities has caused us to stay home. We eat together, watch TV together, and have more family time than we have had in years. I have watched my kids grow to be closer friends and lean on each other while they are at home. It has been fun to watch them go from playing together simply because they have no one else to play with and evolve naturally into a deep friendship and truly enjoying each other’s company. I hope the bonds they have built will last a lifetime and the extra family time during quarantine will make for great memories. Old School Entertainment Families have had time to enjoy activities that they wouldn’t normally have time for like board games, puzzles, reading aloud, and arts and crafts. My kids read the entire Harry Potter series together during quarantine and then watched all the movies together. Our normal schedule would not have allowed time for that. 14