Creative Child October 2023 | Page 9

Here are a few fun ways to explore the beauty and wonder of autumn nature with your preschoolers .
1 . Nature scavenger hunts are an exciting way to get kids outside and active while teaching them about local foliage and animals . There are plenty of online printables to choose from , or you could easily create your own . A few items to have your child look for on a nature walk are : pinecones , acorns , squirrels , birds , red leaves , spider webs , pumpkins , feathers , twigs , flowers , tree bark , and orange leaves . Your child can carry the scavenger hunt paper with a little bag for collecting some of the items they find , although I wouldn ’ t recommend trying to stuff a squirrel in there . Ha !
2 . A nature journal with a collection bag is another fun idea that helps spark interest and creativity ! Stack several sheets of paper together and fold them in half to create a booklet . Punch a hole into the top and bottom of the booklet and use some string or a twig with rubber bands to bind the booklet together . Place their journal along with some crayons , colored pencils , and stickers into a small canvas tote . They can take their nature tote with them to the park , on hikes , or anytime they ’ re outside playing . Show your child how to do bark and leaf rubbings in their journal , and encourage them to draw animals or insects they see . They can collect acorns , rocks , and other items in their bag , and when they come inside , you can learn together about the items they recorded and found !