Creative Child October 2023 | Page 11

Messy play is beneficial for children . Siu-Lan Tan , Ph . D ., says , “ It is shallow and deep . It records every step , augments your every move , but eventually leaves no trace that you were ever there . It is both moving and still . A mysterious thing is a puddle , and worth investigating .” There is much to observe here . Test what will float in a puddle . A feather ? A rock ? A string ? Check out your reflection in the puddle . Does it move ? Is it altered ? Are there insects in or around the puddle ? What sound does a pebble make when you drop it into the puddle ? What happens if you blow on it through a straw ?
4 . Bring nature inside in a sensory bin .
Sometimes it ’ s too chilly , muddy , or rainy to go exploring outside . For times like those , create a fall sensory bin for your child . Here again , lots of inspiration can be found on the internet . You might choose small pumpkins , gourds , acorns , pinecones , apples , and leaves for a general autumn nature bin , or you could make your bin themed with apple scents or farm harvest bins with small tractors and other play items . If you want a messy , fun bin , fill it with the guts of the pumpkins you carve !
“ Fall has always been my favorite season . The time when everything bursts with its last beauty , as if nature had been saving up all
year for the grand finale .” – Lauren Destefano