Award-winning storybooks teach strategies for observing , interpreting & regulating our thoughts & feelings in the social world
Are a Social Detective !
Explaining Social Thinking to Kids , 2nd Edition
$ 24.99
Being a social detective — observing social situations and interpreting clues to understand the hidden rules — is social emotional learning ! This storybook teaches kids ages 5-10 + the power of observation and interpretation to help them meet their social goals and includes practice pages for relatable situations at home , school , and play .
Both Award Winners Available Now !
Road to Regulation & The Regulation Station
Understanding and Managing Feelings & Emotions 2-Storybook Set $ 44.99
Join Gabriel and his classmates as they begin their journey on the Road to Regulation and discover practical tools for regulation and emotional control . This 2-storybook set provides social scenarios and strategies to help children ages 5-11 explore how lessons from The Zones of Regulation curriculum can be used at school and home .
Thank you doesn ’ t seem enough for all that your teachings have done for me and my family ! They have been a lifeline for me to re-connect with my 9-year-old . Everything you publish is 100 % applicable . Keep up the amazing work !” – Parent of 9-year-old
www . socialthinking . com