Memorial Day is the official holiday of our country to remember the sacrifices of the brave men and women who fought for our freedoms and to keep this country united . Beyond this common knowledge , though , most people don ’ t know much else about the momentous holiday . One way to help our kids grasp a more in-depth meaning and understanding of Memorial Day is by teaching them some simple facts about the national holiday and pausing for a moment of reflection . In doing so , our posterity will not only feel gratitude , but a sense of responsibility towards maintaining those very freedoms . Here are five facts about Memorial Day and relevant activities to help reinforce the meaning and significance behind Memorial Day .
1 . Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day . To honor the deceased , soldiers would decorate graves of their fallen comrades with flowers , flags and wreaths . Hence Decoration Day . Memorial Day became the official title in the 1880s and legally become Memorial Day in 1967 .
Activity : Make a Memorial Day craft with your child , which can range from wreaths to homemade flags . Your child can even fly the flag half-staff as a symbolic way to honor the fallen Americans . These crafts can be used as “ decorative ” statements of appreciation .