Creative Child May 2022 | Page 42


AUTISM DIGEST , the BEST Magazine for PARENTS ( Creative Child 2021 Award );, the first magazine internationally devoted to autism ( 22 years !); THE BEST EXPERTS !
SPECIALLY PRICED SUBSCRIPTIONS ONLY HERE : $ 19.95 for parents , schools , and libraries .
Email your name & address to : lyn . autismdigest @ gmail . com
Does not follow a point Does not pretend play Does not respond to name Plays alone Plays with toys in an unusual manner ( line them up ) Bothered by noises Does not look at you when you are talking Does not wave , clap , point , nod , etc .
Does not use words to communicate ( single words by 16 months )
Does not interact or share with others Unusual movements of hands , fingers , body Very focused attention Rarely imitates others Difficulty sleeping
NOTE : A child doesn ' t have to have ALL the signs listed above . The one thing we ' ve learned about autism is each child is unique . The sooner a child is seen by a pediatrician who , possibly , understands and can identify autism , the better you and your child will be , particularly if your child is non-verbal or partially non-verbal . A significant number of young children who are autistic are .