Creative Child March 2018 | Page 27

Improved Brain Function Laurel Trainor, director for the Institute for Music and the Mind at McMaster University says that even a year or two of music training leads to enhanced levels of memory and attention. Harvard University researcher Gottfried Schlaug also studied the cognitive effects of music training and found a correlation between early childhood music training and enhanced motor and auditory skills. A study in 2013 led by Concordia University psychology professor Virginia Penhune and her team found that people who had music training early in life had stronger connections between motor regions and enhanced white matter in the corpus callosum, a bundle of nerve fibers that connect the left and right motor regions of the brain. Finally, a 2014 study from Boston Children’s Hospital found a possible biological link between early music training and improved executive function in both children and adults. Executive functions are the higher-level cognitive processes that allow us to regulate our behavior, solve problems, and quickly process and retain information. Senior investigator Nadine Gaab, PhD, stated, “Since executive functioning is a strong predictor of academic achievement, even more than IQ, we think our findings have strong educational implications.  While many schools are cutting music programs and spending more and more time on te st preparation, our findings suggest that musical training may actually help to set up children for a better academic future.” 26