Creative Child June 2022 | Page 19

Somehow , though , through a ton of self-reflection and a whole lot more ‘ learning from experience ’, I beat the odds .
Having fixated on every statistic that tried to prove that all girls who grew up without a strong father figure were destined for a life of failed relationships and misery – I strived to fall out of that sad life-sentence . I found my prince charming .
He gave me a beautiful daughter – and through careful observation of their relationship , which blossoms and grows stronger with each passing day , I have learned the four most important things that every girl should be receiving from her father . The things that certainly could have helped me through my childhood .
Here they are , not in any particular order , as they are all equally important :
4 . Compliment her .
All girls need to hear it . The more they hear it from you , the less they ’ ll seek validation elsewhere . A simple , “ you look beautiful ,” will not turn her into a vain , self-absorbed , teenager . A “ you ’ re so smart and capable ,” in moments of frustration will not turn her into a boastful know-it-all .
It will only help reinforce the fact that the most important man in the world finds her absolutely wonderful in so many ways . And there is nothing more important for a young girls ’ confidence than that .