Creative Child June 2020 | Page 17

Pregnant Again? Tips to Avoid Sibling Rivalry Bringing a new baby into your family is an exciting time for parents. If you already have school-aged children, their reactions to your pregnancy announcement may range from excitement to indifference or even resentment. Child Psychologists recognize the importance of preparing your children in advance to ward off future sibling rivalry or resentment. To help create excitement and love for the new babyto-be, talk to your children in clear, simple language, and share expectations of what will happen when the baby arrives. Talk about ways they can help – by handing you a diaper or holding the baby while he falls asleep. Invite them to help set up the nursery with you or put them in charge of finding the perfect cominghome outfit for the baby. They’ll feel more included by being a part of the process and will feel that they have a say in certain things. Teach them about the unborn baby’s development. A pregnancy countdown book designed for school-aged children can help them keep track of your due date and understand the baby’s day-by-day changes with ageappropriate language. Can they go to a pre-natal appointment with you? Hearing the baby’s heartbeat or seeing ultrasound images can help make it all real to them. If you have a friend with a new baby, arrange a visit, if possible, for some hands-on learning. Create a special routine with each child now and continue it after the baby is born. Whether it’s Donuts with Dad every Friday or snuggling on the couch reading together before bedtime, having this special time with a parent to look forward to can create a familiar and comforting feeling. The most important thing is to make sure each child feels loved and special. Change can be hard – especially in a young person who cannot always express what they are feeling. By laying the foundation for a healthy relationship now, feelings of resentment and sibling rivalry can be replaced with a strong brotherly or sisterly love. Check out MAKING ME: THE PREGNANCY ACTIVITY BOOK FOR MY BIG BROTHER OR SISTER by Julie B. Carr