Creative Child July 2024 | Page 8


PEACH PIE in a cup

Try out our kid ’ s kitchen Peach Pie in a Cup recipe . It is absolutely delicious ! My two big cravings when I was pregnant with my son were mustard and pie . While mustard sandwiches were easy to make ( 2 pieces of bread and mustard ), pie was harder to come by . I never wanted to commit to buying a whole pie because I knew there was the danger of me eating the whole thing in one sitting . I would find myself regretting that decision every night after looking feverishly through the kitchen for something that would quench that need .
This is a quick and healthier solution that satisfies my need for pie , without adding to my already expanding jean size ! Kids will love this idea too , as they get their own “ personal ” peach pie in a small serving !
BY : digital media team