Creative Child July 2022 | Page 33

2 . I ’ m prioritizing family time . It ’ s tough to keep up a regular routine of quality family togetherness during the school year . It seems like , by the time we get through homework and backpack checking and swimming lessons or whatever extracurricular they ’ ve chosen , there ’ s not much time for anything else . But summer , sweet summer ! Bring on Dungeons and Dragons and Boss Monster . Let ’ s stay up crazy late and watch The Hobbit movies . Grab your sleeping bag and let ’ s watch the stars on the trampoline and talk for a couple of hours . Let ’ s hygge !
3 . I ’ m unplugging . Tumbleweeds will drift slowly by on my Twitter and Instagram accounts . The iPads will be strictly limited . Facebook can wait . Summer is a time for connecting with each other , with nature , and with ourselves . I ’ ll be logging off and heading outside , and my kids will be leaving their devices at the charging station so that we can ride scooters and dance in the rain . After all , how many more warm rain showers will we have to dance in ?
How many summers do you have left ? •