Creative Child July 2021 | Page 19

Get a planner .

I know it seems too simple , but planners change lives . I used to feel like writing tasks down in a planner was just another task I had to complete , and that felt counterproductive , but people kept raving about them , so I jumped on the bandwagon . Let me tell you , it really does make a huge difference in productivity when I know what ’ s ahead not only for the day , but for the week and month to come ! When I see it all laid out , I can move things around to be more efficient , prioritize the most important tasks of the month in the first week so I can eat all the frogs quickly , and see what I can delegate out to lighten the load . Plus , I color code all my tasks which makes my planner colorful and pretty , and that makes me feel happy .

Watch your phone time .

I ’ m telling you , these little mobile devices eat up time like sketchy little gremlins . You look at your phone to check one thing , and next thing you know , you ’ ve been on a scrolling spree for the last 20 minutes . For the highest productivity , keep your phone put away as much as possible . You might be surprised at all the extra time you ’ ll save .

Put yourself on your priority list .

I know if one more article tells you that you can ’ t pour from an empty cup , you ’ re going to throw your shoe at it . Well , mama , you can ’ t pour from an empty cup . * ducks * Honestly , we are going to say it until it sinks in , because you deserve to carve some joyful play time into your days . It doesn ’ t have to last for hours or be fancy . Just a few minutes of playing on the floor with your toddler , dancing in the kitchen with your teen , reading one chapter of a juicy novel , or meditating for 10 minutes can fill your cup and reenergize you . Never forget that you matter , too . •