Creative Child July 2021 | Page 17

Time management is a crucial skill for busy , overwhelmed moms . I was never one for routines and lists . I liked to live free - fly by the seat of my pants . That worked ok before I had children . Now , not so much . I quickly learned that an unorganized day with kids was apt to fall apart , and who needs any extra anxiety ? If I can learn to embrace these 7 time management skills , anyone can ! Slow down for a second and check out these tips that are guaranteed to make your life a little less crazy .

Eat a frog .

Wait , don ’ t go catch an actual frog . Procrastination is a huge detriment to productivity . You know that thing you ’ re dreading most today ? Do it first . We all know if we push that most difficult thing back to the end of the day , it ’ s likely just to get shuffled over to tomorrow for us to get up and dread again . By doing the hardest thing first , the rest of the day will automatically feel a little less stressful . The concept here is that , after you eat a frog , even something not too appetizing will look pretty good ! In addition , you ’ ll feel so good that it ’ s over , you ’ ll have the momentum to power through the next few things on your list in a breeze .

Let ’ s get visual , visual !

Okay , please tell me you know the song I ’ m referencing ? Perhaps I ’ m speaking to a younger audience and really showing my age here . The point is , visual lists help us identify high-priority tasks and help us see the big picture better . Our brains are wired to rapidly make sense of visual input . Visualizations such as charts , pictures , drawings , and diagrams can help us understand and remember information quicker and better . Not only do they lead to increased productivity , but visuals are just more fun to use ! Prefer an app ? Try the To Round app for IOS and Android .