Creative Child July 2016 | Page 33

But summer with children? That’s a whole different story. Gone are the days of laying for hours by the pool, book in hand, and iPod on full blast. Though I miss these dog-days of summer and having little responsibility to attend to other than reapplying my sunscreen, there is so much more enthusiasm for summer with little ones in your home. Sure, I am not going to be sleeping in this summer, or if we’re being honest here, relaxing all that much, but I will be having fun – all on behalf of my daughter. As someone who develops a strong sense of FOMO when indoors on a beautiful, sunny day, I have made my daughter accustomed to an outdoors lifestyle from a very early age. I find that no matter her mood or mine, or what exactly we seem to be doing, being outside and in the fresh air provides a sense of calm for us both. And what better a time to maximize on these feelings of pure, naturefueled bliss than in the summer months! So, dear parents of the summer-loving world, this is what I ask of you. Put down those iPads, shut down those televisions, power down your laptops/cell phones/ stress-levels, and take the fun al fresco. Here are the top 4 ways to maximize the summer daylight hours with your children… 32