Creative Child January 2022 | Página 19

Additionally , rage can be a stress response to childhood triggers . These are triggers that were “ coded ” into your brain in your early years and are often subconscious triggers that trip without warning . For example , if you were shamed or punished for crying as a child , it is possible that your child ’ s crying could be a trigger for you .
Solutions for Dealing with Rage
The following section will offer some proven calming tools for you to use . While these suggestions can certainly help , I don ’ t want to minimize the seriousness of rage or the possible need for medical or psychiatric treatment . While these can be helpful tools for reducing anger , please use these alongside professional help .
• Look for a safe release . Get outside and throw a ball , scream silently into a pillow , or do 20 pushups . Boxing , running , or any intense cardio will also do the trick . An immediate ( but safe ) physical release is the best way to feel better in the moment .
• Listen to music that has some anger in it . This can be extremely cathartic as you let your emotions flow through the music and release it through singing along .
• Journaling has been shown to reduce stress and increase mindfulness . In the case of rage , it can be very helpful to keep a journal of your triggers so that you can see patterns in your behavior that can be modified .