Creative Child February 2024 | Page 25

From the moment a child is born , they want their parents love and attention and it helps form their confidence and identity develop as they recieve it . As they mature , the bond strengthens through shared experiences and by spending quality time together . Here are some easy ways to strengthen the parent-child bond .
Play together .
The simplest way to bond with your child is to spend time playing with them . Play comes naturally to children and is a great way to spend quality time with them . Play teaches them life skills such as how to share , resolve conflict , and how to follow rules . It is also a great way to bond with your child . By playing peek-a-boo , tossing a ball in the backyard , playing house , or making crafts , you are bonding with your child because you are sharing in their joy of those activities . Playtime gives your child a safe place to share their feelings and express worries . By spending time doing what they enjoy , you are showing them they are important and you are there for them .
Find a mutual interest .
What is your child interested in ? If your child enjoys reading , create a two person book club and discuss the books as you read . If your child loves football , make game night a family event and cheer on your team . If your child is interested in dinosaurs , visit a museum . Since some of my lifelong friends grew from playing sports or participating in activities together , the same can be assumed when we are talking about parent-child bonding . If you truly enjoy activities together , a stronger bond will naturally form .