Creative Child February 2024 | Page 17

In THE 5 LOVE LANGUAGES OF CHILDREN , authors Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell outline the 5 different ways children receive love . All children receive love through each language , but for each child , there is one particular that has the loudest voice . This personal love language fills their tank the fastest . This is important because when a child ’ s tank is full , when they feel loved and connected , they are happier , more cooperative , and they take in what we teach much more readily . If you aren ’ t sure what your child ’ s love language is , you can take the assessment HERE .
Don ’ t have time for the assessment ? Ask yourself these three simple questions :
• How does my child show love to me ?
• What do they often request ?
• What makes their eyes light up ?
When speaking your child ’ s love language , attitude is everything . When doing an act of service or giving a gift , for example , it must come from a genuine place of wanting to show love and never be for the purpose of bribing or manipulating a child . It ’ s important to communicate genuine , unconditional love to fill their tanks with .