Creative Child February 2023 | Page 19

• 1 / 4 cup shredded jack or cheddar cheese
• 1 / 2 cup shredded chicken breast
• 1 / 4 cup finely chopped carrots
• 1 / 4 cup cooked peas
• 1 / 4 cup finely chopped broccoli
• 1 egg
• 1 / 2 cup panko bread crumbs
• salt and pepper
• extra virgin olive oil * Makes 4 patties
1 . Mix chicken , carrots , peas , broccoli , and cheese together in a medium bowl . Beat the egg separately . Add half of the egg to the mixture .
2 . Heat a large skillet on medium heat . Coat with olive oil .
3 . Add panko bread crumbs to the mixture , mix well . Quarter the mixture and form into patties . Add more eggs if necessary .
4 . Place patties in skillet and allow to brown . About 3-4 minutes . Drizzle the patties wit a little olive oil and flip . Cook for another 3 minutes until golden brown .
5 . Salt and pepper to taste .
These All-in-one Patties are crispy on the outside , while warm and full of flavor on the inside ! He thinks it ’ s a nugget and dipping in ketchup makes them even better !