Creative Child December 2020 | Page 49

If we depend on external circumstances to determine how we feel internally , we will always be vulnerable to changing tides . How poised we are today will determine how happy we feel tomorrow . Below are seven ways to pursue happiness today . While most articles written for Creative Child are parenting advice for our kids , I believe the tips listed below can apply to us all , whether grown or young , weathered from the pandemic or relatively unscathed . There ’ s no better way to teach our kids to be happy , than leading by example .
Forge strong connections . Researchers have long known that the happiest people are those who have the strongest relationships . It might be tempting to put relationships on the backburner during a pandemic . But living isolated could be the single biggest obstacle standing between you and happiness . Maintaining connections during a pandemic will require extra effort and some creativity . It might even hurt initially to speak to those we miss so much . But the effort will pay off . If your child is weary of Zoom , try sending a care package , hand-written letter or drawing to a friend by mail or by dropping it off in person . Even seeing a friend briefly from a distance from inside a car , can bring cheer to your child and the friend he is visiting . It will also remind your child that his friends haven ’ t gone away . They ’ re still within reach .
Incorporate altruism . When toddlers were given gummy bears , a study revealed they felt more happiness giving gummy bears to a puppet than when they received it . If toddlers felt increased happiness by sharing , and to a puppet no less , there is a whole spectrum of happiness we are missing by remaining focused on ourselves .