Creative Child December 2019 | Page 35

Box it up If your budget is a little smaller, try putting together several things in a box for your child to enjoy. Create a movie box with a movie or video rental gift card, candy, popcorn, and a warm blanket so the family can enjoy a movie night at home. Combine art supplies, a sketch book, paints, and other craft items for an art box. You could also put together a cooking box, ingredients for homemade playdough with cookie cutters, or a gardening box with seeds, gardening gloves and tools. Get creative and combine your child’s interests to put together a customized box. Adventure gifts For the adventurous child, look for experience gifts that give them a chance to try something they wouldn’t normally get to do. Some ideas could include horseback riding, fishing, camping, rock climbing, indoor skydiving, or a day at a gym with an obstacle course or trampolines. 34