The name of the game during summertime , is also balance . Or balance with a little indulgence . The key is to find how much routine and predictability is enough to keep anxiety at bay . Here are nine helpful hints to maintain calm and order through the home stretch of summer .
Go to bed on time . Sleep is such an integral part of brain development and overall mental and physical health , that getting to bed at the proper time can be crucial when it comes to managing anxiety in kids . Not all hours are created equal . And getting to bed later can mean less restful sleep . Sometimes getting to bed later can mean kids wake up earlier and lose sleep . Keeping bedtime routines is challenging during the summer , especially since it remains light out later . But maintaining a consistent bedtime is perhaps one of the most effective and manageable ways to help your child well maintained during summer .
Keep a balanced diet . A little indulgence never hurt anyone but too much of a good thing can definitely throw a child ’ s chemistry off . By helping your child maintain a balanced diet , eat controlled portions and consume plenty of water , especially in the heat , you can help your child feel well both physically and emotionally and reduce anxiety .