Materials :
• A wooden skewer
• Black and yellow pipe cleaners
• Orange or yellow construction paper
• Scissors
• A pencil
• A black marker
• Glue
• Googly eyes ( optional )
Directions :
1 . Fold the construction paper in half , making a deep crease with your fingernails . ( The deeper the crease , the more the finished wings will “ flutter .”) Using the pencil , draw the outline of half of your butterfly onto one inner side of the folded paper . Don ’ t forget to make a head !
2 . Next , cut out the butterfly shape and unfold the paper . You should have two identical halves .
3 . Decorate both sides of your butterfly ’ s wings with colorful black shapes . ( For inspiration and real-life examples , visit
www . monarch-butterfly . com ). Glue googly eyes onto the butterfly ’ s head or draw eyes on with the marker . Let dry completely .
4 . Next , cut two two-inch pieces of yellow pipe cleaner and twist them into antennae . Glue them onto the back of the head . Let dry completely .
5 . Using the skewer , poke two small holes in the upside of the crease — one at the bottom near the rump , and one just below the head . Then thread the skewer through both holes .
6 . Glue a piece of black pipe cleaner on top of the skewer to make the butterfly ’ s body . Let dry completely .