Creative, Active, Responsible Students in the Digital World 1 | Page 36

CO-FUNDED BY THE ERASMUS + PROGRAMME OF THE EUROPEAN UNION Chapter 4: Creative recycling workshops Creative recycling is a true recycling or even better an upcycling where waste materials or useless products are turned into new materials or products of better quality or a higher environmental value. Upcycling, also known as creative reuse, is the process of transforming by-products, waste materials, useless, or unwanted products into new materials or products of better quality or for better environmental value. The environmental benefits of upcycling are a lot, aside from minimising the volume of discarded materials and waste being sent to landfill each year, it also reduces the need for production using new or raw materials which means a reduction in air pollution, water pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and often a conservation of global resources. Naturally, we are huge fans of the upcycling phenomenon and want to encourage everyone else to jump on board. Upcycling helps reduce CO2 emissions by using old materials instead of new ones. In fact, for every ton of discarded textiles used again, 20 tons of CO2 is prevented from entering the atmosphere. Upcycling also saves you money, as it allows you to find new uses for old clothes that no longer fit or the like. It also promotes sustainable innovation and creativity and can provide fun crafting time. Finally, it helps preserve our precious resources. CREATIVE, ACTIVE, RESPONSIBLE STUDENTS IN THE DIGITAL WORLD 35