Creative, Active, Responsible Students in the Digital World 1 | Page 27

CO-FUNDED BY THE ERASMUS + PROGRAMME OF THE EUROPEAN UNION Promotional videos March – April 2017 In March and April 2017 pupils participating in the project had the chance to develop their creativity through making 2 promotional videos. The first one was in March 2017 when pupils needed to come up with an idea on how to promote active and responsible citizenship, upcycling and clean environment. Each partner school was responsible and free to choose the way they realize their promotional videos and the topic they want to address to raise awareness on and to promote. Pupils from Liceul Tehnologic Octavian Goga Jibou, Romania chose to make a social experiment by recording people how they go past the litter dropped on the street and by taking interviews from people about pollution, how it affects them, how they fight it. Between 06-10 March students from Turkey prepared their own recycling project about citizenship, upcycling and clean environment. On the 14 th of March volunteer students made projects in school garden. The second one was in April 2017 when pupils needed to express their opinion of why it is important to take part in European projects. The activity was done to celebrate 30 years from Erasmus to Erasmus +. Pupils’ videos can be viewed online: -on our blog: -on our Facebook page: CREATIVE, ACTIVE, RESPONSIBLE STUDENTS IN THE DIGITAL WORLD 26