Creating Profit Through Alliances - business models for collaboration E-book | Page 86

Process Objectives Required competences Partner selection Collaboration agreement Own competences Legal aspects Are all own resources sufficiently protected, by patents, copyright and brand right as well as proper confidentiality? What agreements are needed to enable frank discussion with the partner? What happens if the collaboration is called off? Which legal form do we choose? How do we arrange the collaboration contractually? Figure 27. Contractual aspects in the process of arriving at a partnership It makes more sense to first let the discussion be conducted by those that actually stand to benefit from the returns, meaning an executive board member, the business development manager, or the marketing manager. They can then work toward what is known as a „deal sheet‟, which lays out in everyday (non-legal) language all the important arrangements such as contribution, authority, distribution of costs and revenue, and so on. As soon as the deal sheet has been finalised and approved by both sides, the parties' legal staff can convert it into a contract that also arranges matters such as liability, dissolution following bankruptcy, and applicable law. A remark on the confidentiality agreement or NonDisclosure Agreement (NDA): There are various models available, ranging from a one-page reciprocal 84 Implementation of collaboration agreement to lengthy documents. In most cases these agreements are very general, without any sanctions. Drafting an NDA with a clear sanction, for example a fine of 10,000 dollars in case of a confidentiality breach, shows distrust at a moment where parties trust each other just enough to start negotiations. It is important to balance an NDA and to find the right tone of voice, because an aggressively put agreement can damage the collaboration. Contract or joint venture An important choice to make when fleshing out an alliance is whether it will take the form of a contractual agreement, or of a shares transaction (which includes a joint venture). Both options come in several varieties (Figure 28). For a contract between parties, without forming a new legal entity, we can distinguish between:   a unilateral agreement with a clearly defined use of the other party's resources, such as a licensing agreement, an R&D agreement or distribution agreement; and a bilateral agreement, in which both partners contribute resources to the collaboration, such as a marketing alliance, produc tion alliance or an optimised customer-supplier relationship.