Creating our Culture Pocket Guide | Page 2

Creating our Culture – the second round
Creating our Culture – the second round
In my 27 January newsletter , I commented on how pleased I am to see that the momentum begun with the Creating our Culture sessions late last year , is being maintained . You ’ ll recall we had 1010 people attend sessions and 1826 staff and patients complete surveys .
This participation resulted in over 2800 individual contributions – 2467 from staff and 369 from patients , their families and whānau .
I ’ ve seen the insights from our work last year , and am impressed with the work which has gone into understanding what people told us .
I now strongly encourage you to now hear the feedback story , which will be part of a number of Creating our Culture sessions , with Tim Keogh next week .
Starting on Monday 20 February , we will be holding sessions so that you can tell us whether we ’ ve got it right or not . We ’ ll also ask how the words staff and patients used , can be interpreted , and guide our values-based behaviours .
Among the themes that emerged from last year , is the importance of teamwork . People told us they want to work more closely in teams , both with their immediate teams and more broadly across the DHB and out into the community .
Of course there are areas where we can improve . The theme of inappropriate behaviour is something we need to understand more fully . We also need to develop better ways of dealing with it . It ’ s not something we should be tolerating .
On Friday 24 February are four workgroups , also led by Tim Keogh , which are pitched to attract staff who have special interest in wanting to help us address the four topics – Implementing our Values , Tackling Unprofessional Behaviour , Interpersonal and Team Communications and Performance Development . Read more about this on page 5 .
It ’ s great to see this all coming together . It ’ s been a fascinating journey so far and I would urge you to get involved again next week from Monday 20 February .
To book into sessions go to yourself on OnePlace , log in and view the Training Calendar for the dates and times of the sessions , or click on this link http :// hrisapp01 / rsHR _ New / signon . aspx ? ReturnUrl =% 2frsHR _ New
Call 0800 engage ( 0800 364 243 ) or email engage @ bopdhb . govt . nz if you ’ d like more information .