Creating Impact @ UNSW Arts, Design & Architecture 102022_918918787_ADA_Creating_Impact_Stories_A5_booklet_v12 | Page 5

Moogahlin Performing Arts , Broken Glass , 2018 . Key Artists : Lily Shearer , Liza-Mare Syron , Katie Leslie , Andrea James , Aroha Groves , Brenda Gifford , Nancia Guiveria . Produced in association with Blacktown Arts Centre for Sydney Festival .
Photo : Joshua Morris .
Our collaboration
Dr Liza-Mare Syron collaborated on Ngapa Yaan Niibi Aanmitaagzi , supported by the Australia Council for the Arts , Create NSW and the Consulate General of Canada , Sydney , with :
> Lead artists :
• Lily Shearer ( Marrawarri ) Moogahlin Performing Arts
• Penny Couchie ( Anishinaabe ) Aanmitaagzi
• REA ( Gamilaraay / Wailwan / Biripi )
> Language speakers and knowledge holders :
• Perry Mcleod-Shabogeesic ( Ojibway Anishinabe )
• Cecile Hookimaw ( Mushkegowuk Cree )
• Aunty Josephine Byno ( Murrawarri )
• Kelsey Barker ( Murrawarri / Yuwaalaraay / Yorta Yorta )

Culture is at the heart of Australian First People ’ s creative practice . It ’ s a living history of one of the oldest cultures in the world . I want to know how we can respect that and how we can contribute to language revival through this medium , and in turn give back by working with language using best practice , says Liza-Mare Syron .

Creating Impact @ UNSW Arts , Design & Architecture 5 .