letter from the editor-in-chief
ntrepreneurs think differently, a necessary condition in a time when
it’s so easy to reason that money will solve all your problems.
Entrepreneurship is a movement, and funding is just one piece of
the puzzle. A new breed of entrepreneurs also requires support systems that
evolve with them, through the transitional phase from childhood business to full
inclusion into the growing social group that encompasses every startup and
established company.
In a world where you are fully responsible for the success or failure of your
own company, support from others is the fuel to carry on, to move forward no
matter the outcome. That’s exactly how working in a community of
entrepreneurs should be and it’s something that shouldn’t be limited by where
you live or which companies are at your door.
This first issue is a testament to a quiet revolution Natalie MacNeil describes as
“taking shape right now among women.” Unlike generations of women before,
these women are opting to make a real difference as entrepreneurs and business
leaders in the corporate world.
Today, terms entrepreneur and business leader imply
qualities of leadership, initiative and innovation in
business. Finding these qualities within yourself – man
or woman – rarely comes e \