Creating a new story! A learning method | страница 2

Hayal Et Keşfet (Araştır) Teacher(T) readss the beginning of the story and asks students(ss) to think about persons and the situation in the story. T makes groups by using teamaker. T wants each group to make their own stories by using the same beginning part. T tells ss that they have 4 lessons to complete this work so they should decide when to do what. Ss use story cards to brainstorm about the story. Ss make researches what they can do or use. They find animations, pictures, graffities, etc. obout the story and the story cards. . They share their ideas with each other. Haritala Students thinks about their new characters, new events or etc and they share the tasks on who will do what. They decide how will they present their story. After mapping their work and task-share, they start making their story. Yap Ss bring pieces together, forms the story, finds the visuals or audios (if there is). They create the story and present the story. Sor/ İşbirliği yap Ss works in collaboration in all process of the work. They ask and consult each other and the teacher if they need or have a problem. T observes group works and helps all groups in process of their works if needed. Göster All groups presents their works to others. They show their studies at classroom and schoolboard. Hedef kitle 10/11-year-old students (according to curriculum) or whoever is interested in. Değerlendirme Presentation Groupwork Used methods and Creativity Effective usage of former information Implementing the work Görüşler With this work students will realize everyone has a different point of view for the same thing. They will learn how to form their sentences in a meaningful way, how to make a story, group work, importance of communication and collaboration. They will brainstorm and try to find solutions when they face problems. They will realize that asking for help or helping is start point of many things. This imaginary work is not just for formal learning but also for lifelong learning and the real life of the students. 2 20 pts 20pts 20pts 20 pts 20 pts