Buy here : http :// student . land / products . php ? product = Create-an-arra y-of-people % 27s-first-names . -Using-a-loop % 2C-read-th e-names-from-a-text- % 28txt % 29-file % 2C-and-store-eac h-one-into-the-array . -The-array-should-allow-for-a-maxi mum-of-100-entries
Buy here : http :// student . land / products . php ? product = Create-an-arra y-of-people % 27s-first-names . -Using-a-loop % 2C-read-th e-names-from-a-text- % 28txt % 29-file % 2C-and-store-eac h-one-into-the-array . -The-array-should-allow-for-a-maxi mum-of-100-entries
Create a Visual Logic ® program that will :
● 1 . Create an array of people ' s first names . Using a loop , read the names from a text ( txt ) file , and store each one into the array . The array should allow for a maximum of 100 entries . Continue to read in first names and store them into the array . The last entry in the text file , containing " LastOne ," will indicate the end of the list of names .
● 2 . Prompt the user for a first name .
● 3 . Loop through the array to determine if the first name entered exists in the array . If a match is found , display a message that includes the name and a message indicating that there was a match found . If no match is found , display a message so indicating .
● 4 . Using a loop , continue to prompt the user for first names and determine if a match in the array is found . The loop should continue until the user indicates " stop " as the first name .
Resources / Tips :
● 1 . This program requires the use of nested loops . The outer loop will repeat , prompting the user for a first name until the user indicates to stop . The inner loop will search through the array for a match .
● 2 . Review the Sample Program # 3 on pages 83-87 inA Guide to Working with Visual Logic for an example of using files .
● 3 . Have the txt files , your Visual Logic ® program , the Visual Logic ® exe file , and the VLSig file in the same folder .
● 4 . Put quotes around each name in the text ( txt ) file .
Submit the following in a zip file , using the Assignment Files tab :