Crazy Blessed Volume 1 | Page 2


W I N T E R 2 0 1 7 V O L U M E 1
I S S U E 1


Editor ' s Note

2017 is going to be OUR year , Mama ! This is the year when we learn to operate in the power that was given to us through Jesus Christ . He told us , " I have given you power ... over all the power of the enemy " ( Luke 10:19 ). You have greater power hidden inside of you , than in all this earth . Now it ' s time to step into it and put those faith muscles to work !
You have the power to be free of stress and anxiety . You have the power to run an orderly home . You have the power to create a healthy life . And YOU , my dear , have the power to be HAPPY !
We have every reason to be happy . And the biggest reason is this-- we have power and authority given to us by our Risen Lord , Jesus , to live in favor and blessing . No matter what is going on around us . We control what goes on within us . And we choose happiness !
No matter where you start in this powerful journey of happiness ,
know that we are starting together . Let this very first issue of
" Crazy Blessed " remind you that we all start somewhere . There is
power in taking that first step . So , no matter what your dream , your vision , your goal , let ' s take that first step together .
CRAZY BLESSED | 1 W I N T E R 2 0 1 7