Craftours Lifestyles Magazine Volume 1 | Page 34

87.  She ette Shanes, is her, Sarah Jean She My Mot erything good.  g example of ev d I am is the shinin she was 15, an my Father when e married years later.   W born almost 20 ing an only child when I was grow few extra things had very seem like always made it but my Mother d up, worked hard, an so much.  She we had e necessity ry young age th ught me at a ve realize ta at I am older, I g back.   Now th of givin herself to e always gave of soup st how much sh ju es.  She makes   And she still do others. nate money fried pies to do r the sick, and hing fo ws heirloom clot church.  She se to her pensate phis, TN to com er r a shop in Mem fo things about h me.  I say these her inco y that life s every single da cause she show e or be matter your ag you make it no is what ces. your circumstan   other, she visit with my M uring a recent D rough about her life th started talking e local she worked at th the years when k in he went to wor shoe factory. S she was oe factory when the Genesco sh til she orked there un barely 16 and w 51 years orked there for was 67.   She w g that few days durin and missed very for the six months time other than y 1982.   So man emotherapy in her ch written ed I would have times, I’ve wish So this and I did not.   things she said down