CraftKeg Test | Page 2

Your beer deserves the best protection possible – during filling, t ­ ransport, storage and dispensing. The KeyKeg series was developed with precisely this need in mind. This innovative, high-quality keg is d ­ istinguished by its unique design, and offers you many additional a ­ dvantages. The KeyKeg series is the result of more than fourteen years of research and practical use. Hundreds of brewers and distributors have already made the choice for KeyKeg and have seen their sales increase. Bars, hotels and restaurants are asking for KeyKegs Hospitality outlets and distributors have a strong •  ightweight Containers provides support ­ or bars, L f hotels and restaurants, including instructional videos and a special website for bars on preference for KeyKegs, because KeyKeg offers them great advantages: Easy and safe •  o deposit or administration N KeyKegs are guaranteed to withstand an operating •  eyKeg saves a lot of storage space K pressure of up to 3.5 bar. The KeyKeg couplers are •  KeyKeg is much lighter than a steel keg A fitted with a pressure relief valve that protects the •  eyKegs are emptied to the last drop K KeyKeg from excess pressure. Tests have shown that a •  ince beer stays fresh for weeks after ­ roaching, S b full KeyKeg easily withstands a drop of a meter and a barkeepers can offer more different beers on draught •  eyKeg has superior dispensing qualities, since the K propellant is separated from the beer half. Their standard strong and lightweight corrugate packaging makes KeyKegs easy to manage and optimally suited for long-distance transport.