Crafting a Lifestyle Oct.2013 | Page 28

Halloween Book Display To create the Halloween house you will need: White card, thin sewing needle, cotton, PVA glue, Printer, white piece of paper and a cotton bud. Print all the decorations onto white card. Cut out and glue on your windows and door. To make the slates cut 0.5cm stripes. Start to glue the slates to the house overlapping them and cutting so they fit either side of the windows and door. Glue the edges around the door and the shutters either side of the windows. Score and fold the awning. Glue the railings to the porch then glue the awning to the top of the railings and then to the house. Decorate the house, add some bats and pumpkins. To attach the skeleton, thread a needle with cotton and gently thread through the skeletons head then through the awning and fasten off. Add a suitable branch that resembles a tree and add some bats. To make the ghost cut a square of white paper 3cm and cut a cotton bud 1.5cm. Place the cotton bud into the centre of the paper and pinch into place once you get the required shape tie around the base of the head tightly with cotton and fasten off. Draw on eyes and glue in place. Glue the front of box into place.