Crafting a Lifestyle Dec. 2013 | Page 17

Knitted Penguin slippers Row 58, k2, k2tog to last 3sts k3 =24sts Knit 3 rows Row 62, k2tog to end =12sts Knit 3 rows Row 66, k1, k2tog to end = 8sts Row 67, k Break off wool and thread through remaining sts, pull up tightly. Turn the wrong way and over sew toe end u as far as the wings. Over sew the back as far as the wings. Turn right way. Eyes make 2 With white cast on 3sts Knit wise into every st =6sts P1 Knit wise into every st = 12sts P1 K1 P1 K1 (k2tog) to last stitch k1 = 7sts P1 K2tog, k2tog, k1, k2tog =4sts P1 K2tog to end. Break off wool and thread through remaining stitches pull up tightly. Note Purl side is the right side. Gather around the edges and pull up tightly. Over sew to penguin. Embroider black dots in the middle. Beak With yellow or orange cast on 6sts K1 K2tog, k to last two sts, k2tog K1 K2tog twice K1 K2tog. Break wool thread through stitch and fasten off. Over sew to penguin.